Tuesday 10 September 2013

The future of waterproof fabrics

It has been a long time since we (society) have tried to experiment trying to find the perfect waterproof clothing. We have succeeded in producing plastic overalls and coats but they are not aesthetically pleasing or very comfortable to wear.

Researchers in Lodz, Poland, have found the solution.

University of Technology in Lodz scientists have developed an ionized gas called ‘cold plasma’ in order to create a fabric that is completely capable of repelling all liquids. Professor Jacek Tyzynski, who is at the forefront of this discovery, explains that this phenomenon known as ‘hydrophobicity’:

“The hydrophobic effect is the observed tendency of non-polar substances to aggregate in aqueous solution and exclude water molecules. The name, literally meaning "water-fearing," describes the segregation and apparent repulsion between water and non-polar substances”. (Courtesy of Wikipedia).

A wax-like ‘cloak’ is created from the cold plasma over the fabric. Note to self, the internal structure of the fabric is not altered due to the fact the waterproof layer is only applied to the surface.

This method will be able to be used for general household items, e.g. tablecloths, and also used for the production of clothes for professionals. The demand from such industry professionals as fishermen and waiters are on the rise, however scientists are only able to turn out such fabrics measuring 5cm x 5cm.

This is certainly a future technology for many industries and be in high demand. Someone somewhere, will become a very rich person.

The short video below explains the discovery further:

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